
A new project... FloWiTheJames!

A photography project using flow and other performing arts to bring attention to local environmental issues (especially James River water quality) combined with an action, such as a clean-up.

So, we flow. Object manipulation is our thing. Sad thing is, our species has also negatively manipulated objects for entirely too long. We've trashed the planet in which we express our true selves. We hoopers, poi spinners, staff folk, dancers of any genre yearn to move and play in nature. It's limitless, unlike ceilings. Search "flow arts" online, and you'll discover stunning media capturing our fluidity, often in gorgeous surroundings... a verdant forest, a spotless beach. Prop manipulation garners stares and dropped jaws. We have the unique ability, as unconventional performers, to draw attention from just about anyone.

Well, what needs attention isn't the spotless beaches. It's the trashed ones. It's the urban stream, right in your backyard, that's permanently choked with 2-cent disposable plastics.

So let's grab our props. Let's get lost in the flow, while encouraging others to get swept in with us. Let's allow our craft to spread a message to the masses: that the natural world is the very foundation of all that is art and that is human. Let's do more than dance within it; let's dance for it.

Join us on Facebook at Flow With The James!

(c) Natalie Stickel 2014